3701 W. Alabama Street, Ste. 110, Houston, Texas

at the corner of Timmons near Greenway Plaza (one mile east of the Galleria)


Wedding Dress Farming Service

Wedding Dress
Framing Service

Don’t let your wedding dress hang in the closet after your special day. Admire the memories that come with the attire with Complete Pictures’ wedding dress framing services. Our numerous frames range from large to small and neutral to colorful, and your wedding dress is one of the many items we will frame impeccably. Use our wedding dress picture frames to encapsulate the moment. We will offer recommendations for the best frame style to showcase your beautiful wedding day garments.

Consider a shadow box frame for wedding dresses that creates a dramatic flair and casts a beautiful light on your dress. Make your wedding dress into a work of art that’s preserved for many years. Visit our contact page or call us at (713) 627-8200, and our team of professionals will assist in wedding dress framing services.

Contact Us

3701 W. Alabama Street, Houston, Texas at the corner of Timmons near Greenway Plaza (one mile east of the Galleria)


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